Thursday, September 4, 2008


Today is an extremely exciting day for me! I'm having visitors! They are two of my favorite people in this world. I couldn't ask for better guest!
Today my older sister Brooke and my 4month little niece, Kennedy, is staying with me!!! I've missed them so much! Its my first niece/nephew, and she's only been here for 4 months! How do they expect me not to want to see my little princess everyday!
i love this kid^"
Anyways, they arrived this afternoon! I ran down three flights of stairs.. hello not easy!! (but definitely worth it) I snatched Kennedy out of her car seat and gave her billions of kisses! She probably thinks I'm absolutely crazy. After my lovely hellos and hugs, we went back up to my apartment and played!!!!!!

Currently my favorite thing in the world is making that baby laugh! It is incredibly cute, and it makes me just wanna eat her up! Her giggles basically make my world go round. We played for twenty minutes with all of her toys. Then she looked up and noticed my gigantic mirror. Oh course she wanted to play with it.. if there is any possible way of playing with a mirror, she was determined. I snatched her up and danced (as Quincy would say) my arse off! She giggled so loud and threw her tiny arms around! We danced for an hour, and I only stopped because I gained a headache in the process.

Now it was time for dinner..Brooke and I had spaghetti, and Kennedy had a yummy bottle! Then it was nap time for Kennedy so we walked around the room. She fell asleep in my arms... if you ever had this experience, you know it really is something special. I laid her down for bed.. Brooke laid down. I wrote this blog..

Now I'm about to go to bed though.
till next time!!

hope you enjoyed!

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