Friday, October 24, 2008


Today i'm not really sure what i want to write about. I've been sick since wednesday, and my mind is completely blank..

The weather outside is so horrible! I feel like I live in a freezing cold water puddle. Its digusting.. I hate it.. today is one of those days I just want to move back home and lay in my old bed :( I miss waking up to my loving puppy laying at the end of my bed waiting for me to get up and take her for a stroll.. I miss my mom making me breakfast and kissing me good bye for the day. I hate that I can't see my niece every single day of her life.. I want to be there so bad for all the new things she discovers and the funny situations she concures. I want to be there for my sister. She's a new mom with a not so great husband. Plus she attends Paul Mitchell Hair School. Right now is not the easiest time for her. I might be her little sister, but I was the one who gave her all the advice she needed, and I'm the one who cheered her up at hte end of the day. I was also the only one who could sit there and actually listen to every single word she had to say. I was my mom's little helper. I cleaned every day and cooked every night. My mom was always busy taking care of my dad who is now recovering from colon cancer. She probably misses me so much more than anyone else. Half the time I call everyone is eating cearel for dinner or easy mac. When I actually have time to visit home, I clean the whole time I'm there. MY DAD! He was so sick for a while, and he almost didn't make it. So everyday could be a possible down right depressing day for him. It worries me all the time. I just wish I could at least visit him for five mintues everyday! Just to make sure he knows that I care so much about him! I miss my family so much and I love them so much more..

I know that it is a part of growing up, but I do not like it. I wish I didn't have to go through with it.. I might even move to a community college so I can be closer to home and closer to my family.

You can call me weak but I don't care.. I can't stand not being around them.


Friday, October 17, 2008

The Soon to be Future

I have a very very best friend from picayune. Her name is niki wimbrow. We've been friends for 14 years now. I met her when i was 4 or 5. My parents worked with her parents, so it was a destined friendship.
In December, she is moving up to hattiesburg!!!! I'm so excited! I haven't made any real friends at this school, so to have my bestie move up here is so awesome! What's even better is....
WE'RE GOING TO LIVE TOGETHER!!!!!!!! we are going to have so much fun together! we never really fight either! hopefully it'll stay that way lol but i think it will.
She came up not to long ago in fact. we spent the whole day together looking at halloween costumes.. then we looked at apartments. everything i liked she liked. sometimes it amazes me that i still have her as a friend. these days girls aren't the easiest people to be friends with. we did get into one big fight, and it caused us not to be friends for almost half a year.. it was horrible! i was so upset! come to find out she was too.. we made up like three times :) we both felt so bad about what we did to each other.
now we're together as much as possible! duh we're best friends!!!
she's coming up monday to come hang out with me!
well i don't have much time or much more to say so i'm just going to end it at this...


Friday, October 3, 2008

What to do with life...

Before I came to Southern I had my mind set to be a radiologist.
Not the tech, I want to be the actual doctor who studies all cancer and gives shots in the spinal cord. I want to be the one who reads the complex pictures and can tell the tiniest problem. 12 years of school.. but i wanted it so bad! Then i came to southern and it completely flipped my mind upside down. Southern has nothing to offer me accept for my basic and a horrible schedule.. They put me in bio 110 because of course going into the medical field I'll need a bunch of biology classes and biochemistry.


My teacher is too smart to be teaching it.. her brain thinks faster than she can speak. Which is awesome for her! but completely sucks for me.. Biology was simple in high school. Biology 2 was even easier.. and a lot of things she talks about i learned... back in 9th and 10th grade.. so of course i've forgotten bits and pieces. She goes into so much detail and just hops right on the bunny trail off into her lil land of bio and i can't tell when its actually something i'm suppose to be learning or if she is getting a lil too excited about the topic.
Now she says we can ask her questions after class.. well when the line is 20 ppl long all of which have about 10 questions, i just don't have time to wait. Then there's this bio tutor. I can't fit her in between school work and feeding myself.. well if i went anorexic i could but i rather eat than fully understand something that i'm not even enjoying!

Right now i have a 95 in her class.. according to her grading scale that is not even close to an A its a low B!!!!!

so i think the radiology field is out the question..

math is where my heart is! i love it and i'm a whiz at it! i'm flying through that class! if i wasn't paying for i wouldn't attend class except to ask questions and take test.. then i'd do all my online work. easy as pie!!!
So i was thinking i could become something dealing with math.. but i talked to my all knowing father. He informed me that finding a job dealing with math and actually making the money i want to make is nearly impossible unless i get a high up government level job.. which i don't know anyone who could pull those strings for me!!!!

what to do? what to do?
If you have any suggestions let me know! I'll gladly listen to anything!!!!

peace. dani.