Thursday, December 4, 2008

What has this world come to??

Ya know this world is going to hell in a hand basket for sure!
I've talked to several people and they definitely agree. Its crazy how bad things have gotten in such a short period of time. I mean just think about what all our generation has been through; some of us Dessert Storm (i think) then 9/11 then the War on Terror started with Iraq then Katrina affected all of us! Its like our whole lives we've just been hit left and right with things we shouldn't even be worrying about yet...I mean yeah our parents had the hippie days and the Vietnam War but they just didn't keep getting hit with reality constantly like we have. Terrorist weren't such a day to day worry. School shootings were unheard of. And playing in your neighborhood and walking everywhere in town ya wanna go was as normal for them as it is for us to have mace in our purse!
Now a days it seems like every one outta 5 kids that go down the road on their bike don't make it back! Girls, young little girls get raped and sexually abused in their own home and the sad thing is reading that in the news paper doesn't shock us nearly as bad as it would our parents when they were our age. Hell most schools have MEDAL DETECTORS when you walk in to school just to make sure you wont kill your fellow students or teachers that day! I mean what the hell?!?! Why is it like this for us? Why do we have to be so gosh dang worried every time we go on an airplane or to a foot ball game or a large event or a mall that we might get blown up!?
But besides all that stuff, the terror and the realities we face now, our generations media has showed us to through our morals out the damn window! Being on birth control by the time your in junior high is considered normal! Cussing and putting down women or people of another race in the lyrics of a song is nothing new for us to hear! Trying drugs and getting drunk is part of growing up! And dressing like a slut or having naked pictures of yourself taken and then shown to other people is just one more thing a teenage girl has to worry about to "fit in"! If its this bad now for us and those few younger kids in our generation now i am scared out of my mind to think of what niece's generation will have to deal with!

Things have gotten out of control... and I've talked to several girls who this blog describes and they honestly think that its normal.

I pray to God things get better!

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